The Confidence Man – Out Now!

After many months of work, I’m happy to finally announce the release of my newest novel— and the start of a new series! The Confidence Man, the story of a sassy stripper and her lovelorn ex-best friend turned conman, is now available on Amazon and I’ve never been prouder of anything in my life. For more information on the series and to be alerted when the next novel becomes ready for ARCs, check out my listings below!

Broken Hearts of Bridgeport

The Confidence Man is just the first installment in a long line of novels I have planned for the majority of this year. My new series, Broken Hearts of Bridgeport, will have a new novel coming out just about every other month (should clock in somewhere around the 8 week mark, barring an act of God) and a steady stream of free shorts to keep them company. This new series has been a passion project of mine, and I’ve chosen to focus on my two favourite tropes. This time around, we’re mixing criminal bad boys (stern exterior and soft heart included) with the sweetest second chance romance I’ve ever written!

The series takes place in the city of Bridgeport, a run down city that’s all but gone out of business after the factories began to move out of town. Run by the corrupt and selfish Johnny Payne, the city is entirely mafia run— beneath the thin veil of City Hall politics, I guess. John runs the streets, the system, and attempts to run his way through our newest series. In the coming months, you’ll be introduced to a handful of characters, and the first is one I’ve worked hard on: Parker and Lynn.

Check out the book available now on Amazon!

The Love Story of Parker and Lynn

Our first novel is one of my favourites. The story of Parker and Lynn sets the stage for the rest of the series. Set in Canton, a city to the east of Bridgeport, the beautiful Lynn has been working for years as a stripper, constantly trying to stay out of trouble and pay her way out of a mob debt she never intended to take on. When Parker comes back into her life, an old client and even older flame, she knows staying alive won’t be quite so easy. Parker is a skilled con artist, and when he sets his sights on the Payne fortune, Lynn is the first in line to tell him it’s a ridiculous idea.

Though, with a debt hanging over her head that she’d never be able to pay off, how much choice does a girl really have?

The Confidence Man is the story of Lynn and Parker’s tumultuous reunion, a tale of dark romance and brutal honesty. They’ve never been the perfect couple, and made even worse enemies, but in order to pull this con off, they’ll have to learn how to live with each other— and reignite the flames they thought they’d lost.

ARC Sign Ups

Now, for the part we’re all excited about. In the coming months, I’m hoping to really build up my ARC team! If you’re interested in getting a free copy of my novels in exchange for an honest review, your best bet is to sign up for my newsletter and keep an eye on my Instagram for the latest bits of info. My newsletter gang always gets the first bite at free novels, and after that, I take to Instagram and Twitter to fill in the rest!

Did I Miss Anything?

Got any questions about the new series? Let me know how in a comment below or, better yet, reach out on Facebook and Twitter!

As always, be good to yourself and never stop writing!

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